Member Stats
Member Since: | Sep 8, 2010 |
Games Played: | 4890 |
Wins: | 1775 |
Losses: | 3092 |
Drops: | 23 |
Score: | 7019 |
Tournament Score: | 100 |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 1.41 |
Avg. games/week: | 13.84 |
Avg. turn speed: | 5.27 hrs |
Active games: | 6 |
Account type: | Premium |

 |  |
Personal Info | Name: | John | Gender: | Male | Birthday: | 1959 | State/Prov.: | Tennessee | Country: | USA |
| About me: | Married, 7 kids, Christian | Interests: | Church, ping pong, duck hunting, risk | Best piece of advice: | Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. **********************
When it's down to 2 players and it seems that you are about to loose, don't resign. It deprives your opponent of the opportunity to see the game end because it goes directly into his win column (it's kinda like robbing him of the joy of his victory) ************
Don't take my aggressive play personally. if i do not win the game - it doesn't matter to me who else wins. i attack to get a card, weaken the player who i believe is the biggest threat to me winning, or occasionally to retaliate for an attack on me. Also, if I think that someone else passed up the chance to make a good attack on another player waiting for me or another player to do it - I will often attack that player so as not to reward him for his inactivity.******************
I have written on several occasions to SGN that "I propose that a true monthly tournament be set up. Take the top 36 players from the current tourney and play them at 6 tables with each of the winners going to the final table. There are several other details to be worked out (which I would be glad to help with). Such a tournament would be a better reflection of playing skills and not playing frequency, manipulation of score through multiple accounts, or 2 man game schemes. It would also hold the interest of players better and result in a higher premium membership rate of retention. I would renew my paid subscription." If several players requested it, they might set it up. Feel free to copy and paste and forward to SGN if you agree. | Professional Info | Job title: | Insurance adjuster and log home builder |  | |
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