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   Egnaro's ProfileRating: 2 (out of 100)      

Member Stats
Member Since:Jan 10, 2009
Games Played:361
Tournament Score:113
Rating (out of 100):2
Avg. points/game:3.34
Avg. games/week:0.82
Avg. turn speed:7.99 hrs
Active games:8
Account type:Premium

Personal Info

About me:I have been absent for a long time, decided to start up again. _________________________ I believe in deterrence: I play to win unless you make it so I can't win-- then I play to make you lose. If you want to discuss a game, set up a game or just chat you can email me at [email protected]
Interests:I prefer fixed at 4 games with big maps. Different strategies than the traditional rules and to me more interesting. I don't understand how some of you play as many games as you do.
Best piece of advice:Early wars are generally counter productive; be willing to make deals; don't be too proud to retreat under certain circumstance. Playing alot does not directly equate to playing well.--------------------------

Play Strategy Games online.
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