Member Stats
Member Since: | Feb 14, 2014 |
Games Played: | 7630 |
Wins: | 1685 |
Losses: | 5359 |
Drops: | 586 |
Score: | -315 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 99 |
Avg. points/game: | -0.05 |
Avg. games/week: | 43.20 |
Avg. turn speed: | 5.26 hrs |
Active games: | 2 |
Account type: | Free |
 |  |
Personal Info | Gender: | Male | City: | Mudville on the San Joaquin Delta | State/Prov.: | California | Country: | USA |
| About me: | Just a little bit of the universal consciousness. | Interests: | Consciousness. Military history. Stoicism. Indian and Chinese Philosophy. Biology. Hiking in Yosemite. Politics. Rhetoric. Beautiful women. | Best piece of advice: | Tips for nasty risk play:
1) Read Sun Tzu.
2) Study the map.
3) Outside in is better, middle position sucks.
4) Don't get too frustrated or emotional.
5) If you seek revenge you dig two graves because you may screw the offending player, but, and this is the big but, you may not help yourself win.
6) Be like water.
7) I try to be unpredictable. | Professional Info | Job title: | Personal injury Lawyer. | Job description: | I sue people who hurt other people. Negotiate with sociopathic Insurance Companies. |  | |
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Medals and Awards
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Tournament Victories
May 2016 (407 points) July 2016 (347 points)