Member Stats
Member Since: | Nov 19, 2014 |
Games Played: | 82 |
Wins: | 21 |
Losses: | 53 |
Drops: | 8 |
Score: | 128 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 20 |
Avg. points/game: | 0.34 |
Avg. games/week: | 0.60 |
Avg. turn speed: | 3.79 hrs |
Active games: | 0 |
Account type: | Freeloader |
 |  |
Personal Info |
| Professional Info | Job title: | worst 2nd rnd attack ever. | Job description: | raidenwins attacked Italy from Egypt (6, 4, 1 vs. 6). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Italy from Egypt (1, 1, 1 vs. 1). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Italy from Egypt (2, 1 vs. 6). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Magadan from Japan (4, 3, 2 vs. 5). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Algeria from Spain (5, 1 vs. 5, 3). Attacker loses 2.
raidenwins attacked Italy from Germany (2, 1 vs. 3). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Italy from Germany (3 vs. 6). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Italy from Egypt (3 vs. 4). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Colombia from Mexico (4, 2, 1 vs. 6, 5). Attacker loses 2.
raidenwins attacked Magadan from Japan (2, 2 vs. 6). Attacker loses 1.
raidenwins attacked Magadan from Japan (2 vs. 3). Attacker loses 1. |  | |
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