Member Stats
Member Since: | Aug 13, 2010 |
Games Played: | 2978 |
Wins: | 1280 |
Losses: | 1566 |
Drops: | 132 |
Score: | 4485 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 1.47 |
Avg. games/week: | 8.34 |
Avg. turn speed: | 0.79 hrs |
Active games: | 1 |
Account type: | Free |
 |  |
Personal Info | Name: | Dave | Gender: | Male | City: | Stoke on Trent | Country: | Great Britain |
| About me: | Just a learner, happy for advice and tips from good players. | Interests: | Winding up certain players my all time favourite is Global warrior though he wont play with me anymore- shame :( | Best piece of advice: | Dont get too upset when you loose or take it too seriously- remember to have fun- its only a game. Also dont bother with Figcock, he is a cheat and clearly mad! | Professional Info | Job title: | Shrimp peeler | Job description: | First the head, then the tail rinse off and eat! Simples | Company: | The Gumbo Shrimp Company | Company web site: | |  | |
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