Member Stats
Member Since: | Apr 30, 2009 |
Games Played: | 12267 |
Wins: | 5529 |
Losses: | 6664 |
Drops: | 74 |
Score: | 12339 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 1.00 |
Avg. games/week: | 28.92 |
Avg. turn speed: | 12.71 hrs |
Active games: | 0 |
Account type: | Free |

 |  |
Personal Info | Name: | (I am MALE not F ) myreal lifenameisJOHN "Play to WIN!......"WINNING is the best revenge ! | Gender: | Male | Birthday: | 25yrs old | City: | UNDISPUTED veryobvious ,BIGGEST SGN CHEATER is FIGROCK,ANTI-figrockcheating IMAGE is directly ABOVE | State/Prov.: | I am proud to be the SUPREME LEADER,,, | Country: | USA |
| About me: | ********..********
******MY REAL NAME IS JOHN ,MALE not female....********((((((IF I have clearer shot at a continent than you and you make clear you will F with me THAT game I will ANNIHILATE every army of yours in THAT conts area ,likely wont carry over to next game))))))*********
((((job title:EXPOSING THIS SITES CHEATERS..........
figrocks secondary name hes sly on that 1 hides the bs better)
I got kamikazed by FIGROCK far more than prestorjohn or anyone else did which hurt POINT PER game average would be much higher ,most of the great players know im very dangerous opponent just like some of them are ,FIGROCK wrecked my PPG badly with his countless kamis of me ,so to the people whofocus on PPG average dont forget scum like figrock kami people alot to wreck their stats
........................ ... also figrock used other illegal ids such as Calyxo1 to kamikaze me look that name up on profiles see for yourself.....
Calyxo1's Profile
Member Stats
Member Since: Nov 1, 2011
Games Played: 753
Wins: 39
Losses: 681
Drops: 33
Score: -633
Tournament Score: N/A
Rating (out of 100): 100
Avg. points/game: -0.97
Avg. games/week: 3.04
Avg. turn speed: N/A
Active games: 0
Account type: Free
................... .....
.for example Ameredit 1 of better players on the site ,if figrock had done that to him instead of myself,,his ppg would be crap
,,,,, FIGROCK really thinks we are IDIOTS when he posts his fake stats he mentioned this:
MOST POINTS in a day ...(3150)Figrock. #. LMFAO so fake !!!!!!!!
btw no matter WHO wins a months tourney DOESNT mean alot its ALMOST ALWAYS 1 of the 4 players who played THE MOST that month Doesn't mean they played the BEST,
DON'T be deceived on monthly tourneys ,, 1 of the examples fakerock*****
(((prestorjohn: Cancel your membership ! theblackrose: you have issues dude. theblackrose: btw you pay for your rmembership.********))))....
I got kamikazed by FIGROCK far more than prestorjohn or anyone else did which hurt POINT PER game average would be much higher
all the regular players know his figrocks stuffs fake as well as JYMI6s crap.**********
.............If you just want to be a kamikaze and ruin BOTH our chances, i will return the favour WITH NO MERCY
......"Attacking me or the player with the highest score constantly does not win the game for you. In fact, most of the time it costs you any chance of winning the game for yourself"
****************btw i wouldve won about 8 to 10 tournments in A row in 2010 2011 but fakerock wrecked that with all his cheating and either won them himself or saw to it someone else did
ONLY reason any of you guys are winning tourneys now is#1 hes not doing it as often as than and figrock name is playing less
figrock uses newbie multiple accts to help the fraud Jymi6 name)))
/// attackshark currently most talented opponent on the site
| Professional Info | Job title: | ******((((job title:EXPOSING THIS SITES CHEATERS | Job description: | 4 Opponents with good skill abilities ,,attackshark ,moman1945, deathlee, Kaaskop ,there are a few others | Company: | |  | |
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Tournament Victories
October 2010 (648 points)