Member Stats
Member Since: | Jun 11, 2010 |
Games Played: | 7233 |
Wins: | 1888 |
Losses: | 5115 |
Drops: | 230 |
Score: | 5226 |
Tournament Score: | 100 |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 0.71 |
Avg. games/week: | 19.76 |
Avg. turn speed: | 117.06 hrs |
Active games: | 0 |
Account type: | Premium |
 |  |
Personal Info | Name: | Geoff Walby | Gender: | Male | Birthday: | 17/02/76 | City: | DARTFORD | State/Prov.: | Kent | Country: | United Kingdom |
| About me: | I'm a full time househusband looking after 2 children and attempting to start up my own company and website to sell books I've writen and music I've made and also for people to play games that I have created. It's still in the process.
When it comes to Imperial Takeover I have five ambitions, 1 to sustain a record of no drops, 2 to win more games than I've lost (got some way to go) 3 to win some monthly tournaments, 4 to make it to the over all top 100 (again some way to go) and 5, to reach number 1. Not asking a lot is it? So far I am achieving the first goal, horray!!! | Interests: | I enjoy writing fictional books of many genres but mostly horror, thrillers and comedy under the name GK Walby, making music again of many genres but mostly death and thrash metal and a lot of rock and ska under the title IMMORTALIS, creating strategy games based on war. Oh, I also like fitness and judo. | Best piece of advice: | If you want to climb the leader board, stick to real time and 24 hour games with traditional card rules and win. Avoid fixed at 4 card rules and any other game that takes ages to complete although I think those games are usually more fun and demand more strategy. | Professional Info | Job title: | Daddy | Job description: | Anything and everything | Company: | Imperial Lightning | Company web site: | |  | |
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