Member Stats
Member Since: | May 20, 2009 |
Games Played: | 4071 |
Wins: | 2243 |
Losses: | 1818 |
Drops: | 10 |
Score: | 5136 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 1.24 |
Avg. games/week: | 9.66 |
Avg. turn speed: | 3.05 hrs |
Active games: | 0 |
Account type: | Free |

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Personal Info | Country: | USA |
| About me: | I've been playing as if in tournament mode for quite a few months; I'm finished. It takes quite a bit out of me to be back online every day; (which you should do if you commit to play a game with others); anyways, I'll be back to play a real-time or the like, occasionally, but, other than that I'm finished. I've met a lot of interesting people here, (some friendly, some not-so), It has been interesting, to me, also, to see people's personal character traits arise while they make moves and deal with the moves others have chosen to make, (: I've learned that some people take things personally, some even want you to take their moves personally, but, I've learned that if you'll step outside of your head and/or theirs..., it's just a game: like chess or pentago. Real wars are and have been fought, won and lost by real people and some are living and dying through the experiences even now; this is just a game where logic will win most every time; unless the lots cast just will not go your way. I've learned to keep my eye on the ball and not get caught up, emotionally, in being petty, nor vulgar. I wish you all good luck. | Interests: | I'm interested in becoming a better christian, not religiously, but in spirit and in truth; and in what is just, true and right. It is one of my largest hopes to see maliscious behavior and malfeasant speech and actions fade. I don't believe we are supposed to be so willing to hurt others nor to ignore the hurt in others while gathering our possessions or gaining our own personal glories. I'm most interested in people paying attention to the 2 commandments which God's only begotten Son has told us all of God's law and commandments, (excluding what man has chosen to add and change), hinge on. 1, That you love The Lord, God, with all your heart, soul, and mind and,2., love others the way you love yourself and want to be loved by others. Jesus really has paid for you to be forgiven of your sins and adopted out of creation into God's Family and it was an extremely heavy, and large, burdemsome price.The things which The Bible states as being judged along with all those who choose to practice them, really are judged, by HIM, as paths into the lake of fire, which He has created for His enemies. There is only one name given under heaven, out of all the names which are worshiped by so many, only one has been given wherewith we must be saved. It is my biggest hope and interest that as many of you who don't want to burn for eternity don't because my Lord loves you and has proven it by giving Himself to beat the only path by which, if you'll take it, will lead to the paradise God only intends for those who serve Him: ...for His friends. It is my biggest interest that you will choose to be His friend. In the end it will be the only thing which will matter. | Best piece of advice: | BE BRAVE. BE HONEST. BE JUST. ENDURE LONG. STRIVE WELL. IT IS APPOINTED FOR EVERY PERSON TO DIE..., AND THEN TO STAND BEFORE GOD TO UNDERGO HIS JUDGING OF EVERY MOMENT OF EACH LIFE. THIS COULD BE SOME OF YOUR LAST 5 MINUTES: DO THEM RIGHT BECAUSE ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE GOD'S LAW STILL STANDS. NO LYING, STEALING, HATING, ADULTERY, (TO INCLUDE LUSTING AND MASTURBATING), USING HIM AS A FORM OF VULGARITY IN CUSSING... TIME WILL NOT MAKE THESE THINGS GO AWAY AND THIS IS ONLY FOUR OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. HE HAS SET A SPECIFIC DAY AND IS ABLE TO BE PATIENT UNTIL THAT DAY BUT THE DAY WHEN ALL WILL BE JUDGED WILL COME AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE WRONG END OF THAT ONE BECAUSE, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE, ALL WHO ARE NOT 100% INNOCENT WILL BE MADE TO ENTER INTO THE FLAMES OF THE LAKE OF FIRE: NO EXCEPTIONS. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY FOR YOUR RECORD TO BE EXPUNGED. ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO WORK TRANSGRESSIONS OFF OR MAKE YOUR SINS DISAPPEAR. NOT BY YOURSELF. BE CAREFUL BECAUSE EVERYONE DIES..., AND THEN THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HOW YOUR RECORD CAN BE EXPUNGED I'LL TELL YOU.This is the very purpose which gives so much meaning to what Jesus, The Christ, has done because He cares and loves you. HE SEES AND HEARS ALL: even into your heart and knows your motives. HE LOVES US, JUDGEMENT AND JUSTICE EQUALLY. DO RIGHT AND DO IT WELL.... 150,000 persons die every 24 hours. When your turn comes will you be allowed to enter heaven or be made to go into hell's flames? In the end nothing else will matter. | Professional Info | Job title: | sole proprietor | Job description: | I fabricate and weld plastics: usually to repair damaged plastic products that are costly to replace or are a consequential recurring business expense. | Company: | INJECTIC Plastic Repair | Company web site: | |  | |
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