Member Stats
Member Since: | Dec 27, 2009 |
Games Played: | 2163 |
Wins: | 790 |
Losses: | 1365 |
Drops: | 8 |
Score: | 4452 |
Tournament Score: | N/A |
Rating (out of 100): | 1 |
Avg. points/game: | 2.01 |
Avg. games/week: | 5.55 |
Avg. turn speed: | 20.03 hrs |
Active games: | 0 |
Account type: | Free |

 |  |
Personal Info | Name: | Nate Dawg | Gender: | Male | State/Prov.: | CO | Country: | USA |
| About me: | I love to play games hockey, paintball, darts, board games, anything that takes talent.
| Best piece of advice: | cards |  | |
Play Strategy Games online.
Medals and Awards

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Tournament Victories