Flan43's ProfileRating: 1 (out of 100)      

Member Stats
Member Since:Jun 27, 2009
Games Played:6184
Tournament Score:N/A
Rating (out of 100):1
Avg. points/game:1.37
Avg. games/week:14.86
Avg. turn speed:11.55 hrs
Active games:0
Account type:Free

Personal Info

About me:I like the stratgegy of the game.
Interests:rugby, golf
Best piece of advice:Be cool, just play the game. don't look for revenge when someone attacks you, be patient and it will come in it's own good time ...............................if you're creating a game, make it "Random" it will fill up quicker........ I had a thought about not using dice in 'real-time' games. Everybody would get 60 numbers made up of 10 x 6, 10 x 5, 10 x 4 etc. They must use all the numbers before they are issued with a further 60 numbers. So how important is each battle? because u have to decide when to use your 6 and when to use your one etc. I think it would take a lot of the luck out of the game and therefore more skill would be needed, Just realised, that might not suit me ! lol .......... Finally, if u want to enjoy your game , avoid chip tuttle, head, vavs 99 and Westjepson .

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Tournament Victories

June 2011 (864 points)

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